Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK) Modulation And Demodulation-Matlab Code With Explanation

Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK) is a type of digital modulation technique in which we are sending one bit per symbol i.e., ‘0’ or a ‘1’. Hence, the bit rate and symbol rate are the same. In BFSK, the information is encoded in the variation of the frequency of the carrier. We represent ‘0’ by carrier frequency ‘f_1 ‘ and ‘1’ by carrier frequency ‘f_2‘.

For example, we can have the following transmitted band-pass symbols:

S_1=\sqrt{\frac{2E}{T}}\cos{(2\pi f_1 t)}\rightarrow represents \mbox{ }'0'

S_2=\sqrt{\frac{2E}{T}}\cos{(2\pi f_2 t)}\rightarrow represents \mbox{ }'1'


Where ‘E’ is the symbol energy, ‘T’ is the symbol time period. Using Gram-schmidt orthogonalization, we get a two orthonormal basis function for f_1 and f_2, given as:

\psi_1=\sqrt{\frac{2}{T}}\cos{(2\pi f_1 t)}

\psi_2=\sqrt{\frac{2}{T}}\cos{(2\pi f_2 t)}

As these two basis functions are orthogonal to one another, hence, the resulting constellation diagram can be given as:

constellation diagram of Binary Shift Keying

There is an in-phase components and a quadrature component.

Hence we can write symbols S_1 and S_2 as



The BFSK Modulator

A simple BFSK modulator is shown in figure below. The incoming bit sequence is first encoded by a bipolar NRZ encoder. The NRZ encoder converts these digital bits into impulses to add a notion of time into them. Then NRZ waveform is generated by up-sampling these impulses. Afterwards, the output of NRZ encoder operates a switch. Based on whether the encoder’s output is +ve or -ve, the switch sends symbol S_1 or symbol S_2.


BFSK Modulator



Demodulator Design:

Here, we do coherent demodulation of the BFSK signal at the receiver. Coherent demodulation requires the received signal to be multiplied with the carrier having the same frequency and phase as at the transmitter. The phase synchronization is normally achieved using Phase Locked Loop (PLL) at the receiver. PLL implementation is not done here, rather we assume perfect phase synchronization.

Block diagram of BFSK modulator is shown in the figure below.

The incoming BFSK signal is multiplied with two locally generated carriers, i.e., \psi_1 and \psi_2 in two different branches. And in each branch, the result is subsequently integrated over the symbol period ‘T’ and sampled. If S_1 was sent then the output of the branch where \psi_1 is being multiplied will be higher, as incoming signal frequency will be same as the frequency of \psi_1. While in other branch the frequency of S_1 will be orthogonal to the frequency of \psi_2. Hence, comparing the output of these two branches we can decided whether S_1 or S_2 was sent.

BFSK Demodulator

The Matlab simulation code is given below. Here for the sake of simplicity,  the bit rate is fixed to 1 bit/s (i.e., T=1 second). It is also assumed that Phased Locked Loop (PLL) has already achieved exact phase synchronization.

clear all;
close all;

%Bits to be transmitted
b=[1 0 1 0 1]
%Rb is the bit rate in bits/second


%Vp is the peak voltage of Bipolar NRZ waveform
%Here we encode input bitstream as Bipolar NRZ-L waveform
for index=1:size(b,2)
if b(index)==1
NRZ_out=[NRZ_out ones(1,200)*Vp];
elseif b(index)==0
NRZ_out=[NRZ_out zeros(1,200)*(-Vp)];

A=5; %It is the square root of symbol energy
%Depending on whether the output of NRZ encoder is positive or negative
%we switch between the two BFSK symbols to generate modulated signal
for (i=1:1:length(NRZ_out))
if (NRZ_out(i)==1)
modulated=[modulated y];
%Plot the modulated signal
xlabel('Time in seconds')
ylabel('Modulated Signal')

%Demodulation starts here
%Multiply the received signal with psi 1 in branch 1
%Multiply the received signal with psi 2 in branch 2

%Here we perform the integration over time period T in the two
%branches using trapz,
%Integrator is an important part of correlator receiver used here
for i=1:200:size(demodulated_branch_1,2)
y_1=[y_1 trapz(t(i:i+199),demodulated_branch_1(i:i+199))];
for i=1:200:size(demodulated_branch_2,2)
y_2=[y_2 trapz(t(i:i+199),demodulated_branch_2(i:i+199))];
% Compare the output of two branches to decide if a 1
% or 0 was transmitted

stem(b, 'filled')
xlabel('bit index')
ylabel ('Transmitted bits')

stem(received, 'filled', 'r' )
xlabel(' bit index ' )
ylabel(' Received bits ' )

Transmitted BPSK BitsModulated BFSK Signal

Received bits

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